Expert Witness
Do you need help determining if your client has legal exposure related to insurance, financing, or other issues related to manufactured housing?
Here is one of our Success Stories:
A very large insurance company active in the manufactured housing industry was named as a defendant in a class-action lawsuit on behalf of over 900 plaintiffs. The plaintiffs’ attorney believed there was collusion between the insurance agent representing our client and the home seller, developer, Title Company, mortgage lender, and a myriad of other “deep pockets”. Not being familiar with the inner workings of the industry, mortgage finance as it related to FHA Title II lending, agents offering property and casualty insurance, a major law firm in Houston asked for my assistance.
Our efforts consisted of a review of all loan and insurance documentation, a review of loan underwriting; personal visits to all subject communities; a review of all testimony during deposition, and an honest assessment of the situation.
The results of over six months of effort and expert witness reports submitted on behalf of our clients resulted in our client being dismissed from the suit with prejudice. This saved our client millions of dollars in potential damages. They were most grateful for our efforts.
I have also been retained by a major lender to assist with Expert testimony on Chapter 13 “cramdowns”. These cases have been very problematic in that judges not only reduce the loan balance for bankrupt customers based on what they claim is the market value, they also reduce the interest rate below lenders’ cost of capital. It is important for lenders to have an independent voice testifying on market conditions, cost of capital, and overall costs related to a manufactured housing loan.
Independence, 49 years of experience in the industry with excellent credentials can provide a compelling reason to bring in Expert Witness testimony. In all cases, I will be candid in my assessment of the issues being faced by clients.